Thursday, 4 February 2016

How Good Magento is for Your E-commerce Website Development?

Empowering over 2,00,000 online retailers, Magento is emerging as a popular choice for building robust e-commerce website. As of now, Magento is the choice of platform of 1 for every 4 businesses. 

What is Magento? 

Magento is an open-source platform for building E-commerce websites. It uses Zend PHP and MySQL databases.  Magento comes broadly in two categories or editions. One is the enterprise edition, which offers extended features to e-commerce platforms and makes it a truly enterprise class platform. The other is a community driven open-source technology. Contrary to enterprise edition, community-driven edition is available for free to download and customize by Magento e-commerce developers

Editions of Magento

As mentioned earlier, there are two versions: one is enterprise edition and the other is a free community version. The latter is more on the lines of WordPress CMS with some more E-commerce related functionality. On the other hand, enterprise version has many added features such as minimum advertisement space, permission for price and promotion, CMS (content management system), call center software for assisting shoppers and delivering a good customer experience, targeted offerings with respect to the previously viewed products, and an enhanced catalogue. Although most of these features can also be implemented through paid plugins in community version, the page load speed does take a beating when you use many plugins on a page.

One very important feature that enterprise version provide is the automated SEO optimization of your e-commerce website. This includes generation of human-friendly URLs and Google site map, and customized keyword and meta-description.

Both the editions are efficient and scalable. It means that if you are scaling up the operation of your E-commerce business and moving up from selling 5 products to 5,000 products, there is not much of the work needed on complete overhaul of the website. Another point worth mentioning is the support for m-commerce. Visitors can easily open your website and do the transaction through multiple payment options from their smartphone. Website built on Magento are highly-responsive, as they provide a host of features, such as full access to catalogue, embedded payment gateway, inventory and checkout, to those who are arriving using mobile users. 


Magento is an extremely powerful solution for serious businesses build around e-commerce model. A little technical expertise is always required if one wants to capitalize on the host of features it provide but for building and operating an online store is extremely easy for owners with no coding skills.  

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